The Best Restaurants Grow Their Revenue using Oddle: Announcing Customer Intelligence & What’s Next for 2024

Oddle’s core belief has always centered on helping individual restaurants and brands to maximise their growth potential by leveraging the best practices in the industry. Having worked with the best restaurants for over a decade since our founding, we have found that the cornerstone of superior revenue growth stems from robust and actionable customer data.

Today we are excited to announce Customer Intelligence, a pivotal tool that not only enables restaurants to harvest their own first-party customer data but also reveals insights and opportunities for growth.

CRM? That’s Just the Beginning.

Customer Intelligence is the single place where all of your customer data from different data sources live. Unlike a CRM, where only static data is stored and requires manual updates, this tool automatically consolidates all of your data sources into a single, intuitive platform, where data from your online shop, reservations, and even anonymous interactions from payment terminals are automatically integrated in real-time. This means no more manual data entries, just seamless, updated insights at your fingertips.

Moreover, Customer Intelligence goes a step further with a robust filtering and segmentation engine. This feature allows you to slice and dice your data to uncover invaluable insights, tailor marketing efforts, and make informed decisions swiftly.

Answer Questions and Segment Dynamically

  • Which customers ordered on Mother’s Day last year for targeted promotions this year?
  • Who are your repeat reservation guests, and how can you entice lapsed customers back?
  • Identify your most engaged customers for special recognition.
  • How many (unknown) customers visit my restaurant at least 4 times in a month?

Customer Intelligence uniquely integrates data from both known and unknown customers—the latter captured through in-person transactions on our next-gen payment terminals. This allows you to segment and understand behaviours across your entire customer base, even when identities are anonymous. These insights can be saved as dynamic segments, ready to be activated for targeted campaigns or further analysis, enhancing your marketing effectiveness and decision-making capabilities.

Understand and Act with Lifecycles

The Lifecycle Map is not just a tool for visualisation; it’s a strategic guide to customer engagement. We categorise your customer base by recency and frequency, and showcase key metrics about each segment such as lifetime value. These pre-defined customer segments come with actionable time-tested recommendations, enabling you to act swiftly and effectively to enhance customer retention and boost revenue. For instance, you can identify and re-engage lapsed customers with tailored outreach, or convert window shoppers into first-time buyers using proven strategies.

Dive Deeper with Customer 360

The Customer 360 view provides a comprehensive profile for each customer, including transaction histories across channels and essential contact information. The “Lifecycle Insight” panel further enriches this view by summarising a customer’s interactions over the past year, including their discovery path and most recent transaction.

With this rich data, you can tailor communications based on individual transaction histories, get marketing ideas based on overall engagement patterns, and detect early signs of churn to improve loyalty strategies.

Getting Started is Simple

Customer Intelligence is now available to all Oddle merchants in Singapore. Access is instant through your Merchant Admin—no setup is required. Start exploring the comprehensive capabilities of Customer Intelligence today and transform your customer data into revenue.

Looking Ahead: What’s Next in 2024

As we advance into 2024, Oddle remains committed to enhancing your growth with even more integrated tools that build upon our Customer Intelligence infrastructure. These integrated tools are designed to ensure that every piece of customer data you collect is maximised to its fullest potential. Here’s what you can look forward to:

Operational Intelligence for Hosts

Similar to payment intelligence on our next-gen payment terminals, we’re bringing the same real-time intelligence to the Host App. This feature allows your hosts to easily spot loyal guests or new visitors, allowing them to elevate the dining experience by personalising interactions.

Surveys that Engage

Our upcoming Surveys feature streamlines feedback collection across online orders, reservations, and dine-in experiences. Beyond mere data collection, it drives advocacy and loyalty by offering targeted incentives upon completion, transforming feedback into a powerful engagement tool.

Email Marketing Made Easy

The best restaurants are constantly engaging the right customers with the right messages. With our upcoming email marketing tool, you’ll be able to craft and launch perfect campaigns within minutes. With access to pre-built templates and integration with our Customer Intelligence, you can easily target the right customer segments with the right content, ensuring that every campaign is as effective as it is effortless.

Conclusion: A Complete Platform to Help you Grow Revenue like the Best.

With Oddle’s complete restaurant platform, we’re are not only saying goodbye to the burdens of manual work but also eliminating guesswork to pave the way for strategic revenue growth. Step into this new era with us and grow your restaurant’s revenue like the industry’s best.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being a part of our community.