Bytes to Bites: A Consumer Journey Review at Sushiro

Title Image Showing Lot One Sushiro Outlet

Overall Verdict

    • Digital Engagement – 5/5
    • Digital Integration – 3/5
    • Personalisation – 1/5
    • Customer Delight – 4/5
    • Follow-Up Engagement – 1/5
    • Data Utilisation – 1/5

About Sushiro

Sushiro has swiftly emerged as a major player in Singapore’s conveyor belt sushi scene, rapidly establishing multiple outlets and positioning itself as a formidable competitor to Genki Sushi.

But what’s their secret? Have they replicated their Japanese success formula, or adapted a new strategy for Singapore? In essence, Sushiro has capitalized on its fame in Japan while tailoring its offerings to suit the preferences of Singaporean customers.

We explored these strategies firsthand at their Lot 1 outlet.

👌🏻 Queuing Experience

Upon our arrival, we were greeted with clear signage directing us to obtain a queue number. The process was streamlined with comfortable seating and an estimated wait time displayed at the queue station.

As helpful as the signage is, it tells us that there is an issue with the layout of the entrance of the restaurant. It isn’t designed in a way where it helps the customer easily know to get a queue ticket first before. Perhaps, the queue ticket machine can be placed at the bottom of the aisle instead. That will additionally prevent congestion at the ramp.

Instructions for Queueing Crowd
Clear instructions for queuing crowd. Acceptable for a casual restaurant, but it also shows a flaw in restaurant layout
Queue Ticket Machine
Self-serve queue ticket machine that is easy for customer to use and does not require manpower

On top of that, the queuing experience could be improved. Given that all Singapore Sushiro outlets are within malls, a digital queue system offering real-time updates via mobile would enhance convenience. This would spare customers from needing to listen intently for their number to be called manually by a staff and allow them the freedom to explore the mall rather than wait directly outside the restaurant.

👍🏻 Menu

The menu at Sushiro is introduced via a tablet, making ordering a seamless, digital experience. The app is user-friendly, displaying high-quality images of dishes that help diners know exactly what they’re ordering.

Noteworthy sections of the menu include ‘Signature Items’ and ‘Seasonal Items.’ Signature dishes ensure customers experience the best Sushiro has to offer, thus increasing satisfaction and positive reviews after the meal. These happy customers are more likely to become repeat customers. Seasonal items keep the menu exciting for repeat customers, akin to why fast-food chains like McDonald’s offer seasonal specials like the McGriddles and Spicy McNuggets.

Not so subtle marketing of their seasonal items
Not so subtle marketing of their seasonal items. Photos of seasonal items are placed where the eyes will often look at, behind the moving sushis.

👍🏻 Tablet Engagement

The tablet interface is straightforward, enhancing the dining experience with features like notifications for when dishes arrive via the conveyor belt and an Order History function. This is particularly useful for large groups, ensuring everyone knows what’s been ordered and what’s yet to arrive.

iPad menu with good UI/UX
iPad menu with clear images of menu items, straightforward buttons and navigations.

👍🏻 Content While Dining

Sushiro smartly utilizes idle screen time on the tablet. When not in use, it plays content videos that are silent and unobtrusive, maintaining the dining atmosphere. These videos provide useful information about sushi freshness, restaurant cleanliness, charitable campaigns, and feature promotional content for seasonal items.

👍🏻 Self Checkout and Payment

The self-checkout process is efficient, reducing the wait time typically associated with traditional payment methods. Customers simply scan a QR code at a kiosk to pay, which helps keep the dining experience smooth and fast.

However, this system misses an opportunity to capture customer data for re-engagement purposes. What Sushiro could have done with Kiosk Payment is like Warabi Mochi (Read more about how Warabi Mochi turned 1st time crowd to repeat customers). This not only allows Sushiro to capture the data of the paying customer, the customer will also be rewarded a Redeemable that encourages return visits.

Digital Payment Methods beside Counter Improves Speed of turnover without reliance on manpower.
Digital payment methods improves speed of turnover without reliance on manpower.

👎🏻 Feedback

The feedback mechanism at Sushiro involves a survey that’s provided with the payment receipt. While this could be a valuable tool for gathering insights, the current implementation has several shortcomings. Firstly, the incentive offered for completing the survey—a $1 discount—is relatively insignificant given that the average spend per person is around $25. This minimal reward does little to motivate customers to engage in the feedback process.

Secondly, the survey itself is cumbersome and time-consuming. It includes questions that could have been automatically captured by the digital systems, such as the total amount spent and the time of the visit. This not only makes the survey less efficient but also potentially frustrating for customers who are expected to recall specific details of their visit.

Invitation for customer to do a feedback survey.
An invitation to complete a survey for a $1 reward.

Below is a series of screenshot of how the survey flows.

Improvement Suggestions for Sushiro’s Feedback System:

  1. Increase the Incentive: Offering a more substantial reward, such as a discount on the next visit or a complimentary popular dish, could significantly increase participation rates.
  2. Streamline the Survey: By reducing the number of questions and ensuring that they are straightforward, Sushiro can make the survey quicker and easier to complete. Additionally, automating data capture for basic information would improve the customer experience.
  3. Strategic Alignment: Align the survey with broader business goals. If the aim is to enhance the quality of service or menu offerings, tailor questions to gather specific insights that will inform those areas.

👎🏻 Loyalty

Sushiro’s loyalty program is based on a physical stamp card system. While it has the potential to drive repeat business, several aspects of its implementation could be improved. During my visit, the stamp card was not automatically offered; I had to request it, knowing about it beforehand. This suggests a lack of proactive engagement from the staff in promoting the loyalty program.

Physical loyalty card for Sushiro with its terms and conditions
A physical loyalty stamp card which does not help to collect customer data and is not the most convenient for customers.
Sushiro's Physical Stamp Card with only 1 Chop.
A new physical stamp card. I did not bring along my old one because this was an adhoc outing.

The program itself offers rewards such as soft toys after a certain number of visits, which can be appealing, especially to families with children. However, the system currently captures minimal data about its participants. Without email addresses or a digital tracking system, Sushiro lacks comprehensive data on customer behavior, preferences, and frequency of visits.

Final Thoughts: Stellar Customer Experience but Missed Opportunities in Engagement

What Stood Out

      • Seamless Digitalized Dining Experience: From queuing to payment, the experience is digitally integrated, ensuring customers face no confusion or lack of assistance.

      • Subtle yet Effective Marketing: The use of PR and marketing videos via the tablet provides a non-invasive method to enhance brand image and promote ongoing campaigns.

Recommendations for Improvement:

      • Enhance the Queue System: Implementing a digital queuing system would significantly improve the customer experience in mall-based locations.



      • Optimize Data Collection: Current loyalty schemes fail to capture detailed customer data, limiting re-engagement opportunities. More sophisticated data capture methods could foster better customer relationships and encourage repeat visits. (BTW, Oddle has a CRM system that helps to connect to all your customers by collecting their data, so that you can understand your customers better like this. You will also be able to engage each segment of your customers to encourage returns. To find out more, contact us here.)



      • Streamline Feedback Mechanisms: The feedback process should be simplified and aligned with strategic goals, such as improving customer retention or gathering actionable insights.


Sushiro impresses with its digital savvy in enhancing the dining experience but falls short in customer data capture and engagement strategies. By refining their systems to better collect and utilize customer data, Sushiro can more effectively turn one-time diners into loyal patrons.

For more insights and consumer journey reviews, check out our other articles below: